Pet Vaccination

Pet Vaccination is very important and essential for preventive health care of your pet. They protect against several infectious diseases, which can make your pet very sick or may even be fatal in some cases.

Puppies, Kittens and Rabbits get their first shots at approximately 6 weeks of age, some may have received some of them by the time you get your new pet. It’s still a good idea to have a Vet review what has been done, check is there anything missing and advise you on what might still be due and when. Book Free Kitten Check, Free Puppy Check or Free Bunny Check for us to review them and discuss what further steps might be needed.

Annual vaccinations ensure continuation of protection of your pet against common infectious diseases. There are a number of different protocols, please contact the clinic to discuss which are necessary or which protocol best suits your pet.

For more information click the links below.

Puppy, Kitten, Dog, Cat, or Rabbit Vaccinations