Causes of Bad Breath in Cats.
Cats are lovely pets and just like any other pet they can develop health issues. One of the most common complaints in every vet clinic is bad breath. When your feline friend suddenly develops halitosis it’s natural to suspect a serious health problem. But don’t jump to extreme conclusions. There may be a less alarming reason for this to happen.
Common Causes of Cat Halitosis
Oral Issues or Disease
The most common cause is the same as it is in humans: gingivitis. This is an inflammation of the gums caused by a lack of dental hygiene. When a cat’s teeth are not cleaned they can develop a build-up of tartar, plaque, and bacteria. If you notice your cat has bleeding gums or teeth, gum redness, or loss of appetite along with bad breath this may be the culprit.
This condition occurs when the membranes at the back of the oral cavity become inflamed. If you notice a change in eating habits such as a lack of appetite or the inability to eat properly, this might be the cause.
Other possible causes include ulcers, mouth sores, infection, kidney disease, diabetes, or cancer.
Determining the Cause of Feline Bad Breath
Having a veterinarian professional examine your pet is the best course of action. Your vet can assess the root cause of bad breath and craft a treatment plan.
The main thing is not to panic. There could be any number of reasons why your cat has developed bad breath. The good news is that all of them are treatable.
Learn More About Feline Halitosis
The friendly team at Paw Paws Vet Clinic is here to provide you with more information or schedule an assessment of your cat. Contact us today!