Opening Hours

All services are available so please call or book an appointment online. If we can’t get to the phone please leave a detailed message and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Please ensure you arrive on time for your appointment to avoid any delays.

One person per pet allowed in at busy times and we may require you to remain outside the Clinic for a little bit. On arrival please “Buzz and Wait” and a member of staff will be with you once free. There are sheltered seats provided outside the Clinic for your comfort. We really appreciate your patience and co-operation.

  • Monday

    9:30am – 6:00pm
  • Tuesday

    9:30am – 6:00pm
  • Wednesday

    9:30am – 6:00pm
  • Thursday

    9:30am – 6:00pm
  • Friday

    Emergency Appointments Only
  • Saturday

    10:00am – 2:00pm
  • Sunday

Call us on(021)2067700

Penrose Wharf Carpark is free for first 30 minutes, so drop offs and pickups are easy. Most patient check-ins, discharges and some services can be completed within 30 minutes, especially if your pet is already registered. Nothing to stop you driving out at 29 minutes and back in again for another 30 mins free.

New clients/pets, use New Pet Registration Form before you arrive to save time. There’s no obligation involved with registering and we can also keep you updated with any special offers.

Why not combine your visit with a shopping trip and we can look after your Furry Friend while you’re gone.

Emergency Line

Our after hours Emergency Line is (021) 2067701. This is NOT an information line. If you need to come in, there is a €160 Emergency Fee. So call during normal opening hours if you have concerns. Don’t delay if you can.

Do NOT give any human medication to Pets, it can make things worse, cause organ damage or worse!

What do we consider an Emergency? Click here for more details